Sangoma A108-DKIT

2,894.00 with VAT

  • 8-port E1/T1 Port Voice and Data Card
  • 240 simultaneous voice calls (or 16.4 Mbps full duplex data)
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Sangoma A108D

The Sangoma A108D version is especially built for the soft telephony industry. The Sangoma A108D supports voice enhancement capabilities including G.168-2002 echo cancellation with 1024 tap/128ms tail per channel on all channel densities, DMF encoding/decoding and tone recognition, voice quality enhancement and adaptive noise reduction.

Sangoma A108D Overview:

As part of Sangoma’s AFT range of products, the A108 makes use of the same high performance PCI interface that has been deployed in large quantities all over the world. The A108d card includes Octastic’s DSP hardware and certified algorithms providing carrier-grade echo cancellation and Voice Quality Enhancement (VQE) functions. Like all the Sangoma AFT family, the A108D is field upgradeable to take advantage of hardware and software improvements as they become available.


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